Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Adverbs: usos, clases y posición para el inglés


Para decir cómo, dónde y cuándo ocurre la acción del verbo.

She walked slowly

Para modificar a otros adverbios.

He walk quite often along the road

Para modificar a un adjetivo.

I had a terribly difficult day

Para modificar a toda la frase.

Perhaps somebody lives here

Clases de adverbios

Modo: quietly, fast, gently, slowly, well, quickly, terribly
Lugar: away, in, down, anywhere, round, there, there, here
Tiempo: last week, tomorrow, now, inmediately, early
Frecuencia: often, frequently, sometimes, daily, always, never
Frase comleta: obviously, perhaps, luckily, fortunately
Cantidad: little, much, enough


- Los adverbios en general van detrás del verbo si este es intransitivo, o de sus complementos.

She dances gracefully
He will be here soon

Algunos adverbios de tiempo pueden ir al principio o al final de la frase (yesterday, tomorrow, now).

Last night we watched TV at home

- Los adverbios de frecuencia se colocan delante del verbo principal, pero detrás del verbo to be.

Mary often comes late, and Jonh is often tale too


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