Monday, August 11, 2008

La tercera del condicional del inglés

Condición: Past Perfect Resultado: would + participio
If you had been here,
If you hadn't been ill,
you would have enjoyed the meal
he would have come to school

En este condicional la hipótesis es imposible, pues se refiere al pasado y, por tanto, ya no puede realizarse.

If I hadn't worn my new shoes, I would have been more comfortable (pero como llevé los zapatos nuevos, no estuve cómodo)

She wouldn't have b een upset yesterday if he had told her the truth (pero como no le dijo la verdad, se enfadó)

En lugar de would have podemos emplear might have o could have, con lo que se modifica ligeramente el sentido.

Jill might have come to the party if she had known about it in time (quizás hubiera ido)

We couldn't have bought our flat if my mum hadn't won the lottery last year (no hubiéramos podido comprarlo)

Nota: tanto had como would pueden abreviarse en 'd.

If I'd been (had been) there last night, I'd have given (would have given) him the book


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